Faculty members may place books, articles, and videos on reserve in the library. Reserve items are kept at the circulation desk and may be checked out by students for use in the library for two hours at a time. The library does not renew or accept hold requests for reserve items.
Print Reserve Materials
Material Type | Can I place it on reserve? | How long can it be on reserve? |
Complete books | Yes, for in-library use. | Indefinitely |
Book chapters | Only one chapter or 10% of the total content | One semester, unless permission is granted |
Journal articles | Only one article from any single journal issue | One semester, unless permission is granted |
Consumables | Workbooks, exercises, standardized test and test booklets, and answer sheets cannot be placed on reserve. | N/A, unless permission is granted. |
Government documents | Most government publications are in the public domain. They are not copyrighted. Unlimited use and reproduction is allowed. | Indefinitely |
Library Copyright Guidelines for Reserve Materials
Content posted with permission from Western Michigan University Libraries, Jan. 31, 2017.