Finding Literary Criticism (Scholarly Books) - Library Research Guide
When searching for books containing literary criticism about a specific literary work, enter the "name of the piece of literature" and the word criticism.
Example: "great gatsby" AND criticism
When searching for books containing literary criticism about a specific author, enter the author's last name, first name and the word criticism.
Example: melville, herman AND criticism
Finding Scholarly Books about History
EBSCO EbooksThis link opens in a new windowEbooks that cover most topics, including education, business, psychology, literary criticism, and more.
Ebooks that cover most topics, including education, business, psychology, literary criticism, and more.
ProQuest Ebook CentralThis link opens in a new windowEbooks that cover most topics, including education, business, psychology, literary criticism, and more.
Ebooks that cover most topics, including education, business, psychology, literary criticism, and more.