Daily Life of African American Slaves in the Antebellum South"As an accessible introductory text, Daily Life of African American Slaves in the Antebellum South provides an excellent overview of the topic and seeks to fill the well-documented gap in Americans' comprehension of the horrific reality of chattel slavery in the US. The book includes seven topical chapters focusing on different aspects of enslaved life: economic, domestic, material, religious, political, intellectual, and recreational." (Choice Reviews)
Encyclopedia of African-American Writing, Third Edition"Most entries are profiles of fiction writers, poets, playwrights, musicians, preachers, politicians, journalists, and academics/intellectuals. However, many entries are devoted to subjects (e.g., Black Lives Matter, Black Power, folklore, dialect) and publications (newspapers, magazines, and journals such as Chicago Defender, Black Scholar, Ebony, Essence). Entries are detailed, concise, and informative." (Choice Reviews)
Encyclopedia of American Civil Rights and Liberties, Revised and Expanded"With the revised edition of the Encyclopedia of American Civil Rights and Liberties, Stooksbury, Scheb, and Stephens continue to chart the evolving historical landscape of civil rights and liberties in the US. The four-volume encyclopedia provides a broad range of essays relating to freedom of speech, the right to privacy, freedom from discriminatory treatment, and an array of other liberties and freedoms that have defined the transformative nature of American democracy over the last three centuries."
Encyclopedia of Race and Racism"Other encyclopedias cover some aspects of race, ethnicity, or cultural studies, but none as comprehensively...". (Choice Reviews)
The New Encyclopedia of Southern Culture: Volume 24: Race"The entries in Race vary dramatically, yet the choices made are brilliant and well written. For example, the entry on William Faulkner, written by Carl Rollyson, gracefully focuses on the role of race in that author's works. Included are some very general entries, such as "Criminal Justice," juxtaposed with entries on narrower topics, e.g., The Birth of a Nation; however, both sorts of entries work well and reflect the thoroughness of excellent contributors." (Choice Reviews)
Racism in America: a Reference HandbookThe author "provides a breadth of examples demonstrating that racism goes beyond individual prejudice and is systemically embedded in nearly every American institution imaginable." (Choice Reviews)
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JSTORThis link opens in a new windowJournal articles that cover history, philosophy, literature, art, religion and political science.
Journal articles that cover history, philosophy, literature, art, religion and political science.
Historical documents about and by African Americans from the Reconstruction period.
Black Studies CenterThis link opens in a new windowEssays, ebooks, and historical newspaper articles that cover Black Studies.
Essays, ebooks, and historical newspaper articles that cover Black Studies.
HarpWeekThis link opens in a new windowHarper's Weekly (1857-1877). A major American 19th century newspaper.
Harper's Weekly (1857-1877). A major American 19th century newspaper.
The Historical New York Times (1851-2020)This link opens in a new windowIncludes the newspaper the New York Times up through 2020. World, national, and local New York City news.
Includes the newspaper the New York Times up through 2020. World, national, and local New York City news.
The Historical Washington Post (1877-2007)This link opens in a new windowIncludes the newspaper the Washington Post up through 2007. Good coverage of U.S. political and local D.C. area news.
Includes the newspaper the Washington Post up through 2007. Good coverage of U.S. political and local D.C. area news.