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Political Fact Checking: Romney Jeep Case Study

Learn about fact checking in this helpful guide!

Partisan Media Coverage of Story

Compare how MSNBC and Fox News (both partisan news media outlets) covered the story by watching the video below.

Nonpartisan Coverage of Story

Nonpartisan Fact Check Source Coverage of Story

Questions to Consider

After watching the MSNBC and Fox News coverage, listening to the NPR coverage of this story, and examining how the different fact checking sites covered this story, consider the questions below:

  1. Were there any similarities in the way the story was covered by each news outlet?

  2. What were the main differences in the way the story was covered?

  3. Did any of the coverage have an obvious bias? Did any of the coverage seem unbiased?

  4. Did any reports seem to show all sides of the story?

  5. Did any of the reports provide information about where they found the information they used to support or counter Romney's claims? Did they provide citations or links to this information?

  6. Was the context of Romney's claim examined? 

  7. Did the reports seem to be factual? Or did they seem to be based on the opinions of the reporter or the news network?